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Sustrans’ School Mark is no longer running. We are now encouraging our Bike It schools to use Modeshift Stars.

Modeshift Stars is the national schools awards scheme that has been established to recognise schools that have demonstrated excellence in supporting cycling, walking and other forms of sustainable travel. The scheme encourages schools across the country to join in a major effort to increase levels of sustainable and active travel in order to improve the health and well-being of children and young people. Every school in England (outside of London) can participate in Modeshift STARS for free. On completion of an application for Modeshift STARS, schools will automatically have a brand new national standard School Travel Plan.

How do you take part in the national school travel awards?

Gain STARS Accreditation

Work through the Modeshift STARS system to create a travel plan, record travel data and log and deliver activities in school.

Get Nominated for the Regional Awards

Once you have gained STARS Accreditation your school can be nominated by your local authority for the Modeshift STARS Regional Awards

National School Travel Awards

The winners of the Modeshift STARS Regional Awards are invited to attend the Modeshift STARS National School Travel Awards.

Travel Planning with Modeshift STARS

Healthier Pupils - By encouraging young people to get active through more walking and cycling.

Safe pupils - help you identify travel and transport issue and improve the quality of the air that your pupils are breathing in.

Cleaner Air - Reducing the number of vehicles outside of your school will improve the quality of the air that your pupils are breathing in.

Stronger school community - Young people, parents, teachers and neighbours working together to make a difference to your area.

School Travel Plan - The STARS portal will ensure you have an up to date School Travel Plan.

National Accreditation - STARS is supported by the Department for Transport and is recognised as the National School Travel Awards Scheme.

Sustrans We're the charity that’s making it easier for people to walk and cycle

Sustrans is a registered charity no. 326550 (England and Wales) SCO39263 (Scotland)

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