Bike It Crews
A small group of responsible, cycle-mad pupils from mixed higher years, or a few members of the school council or Eco group can take on this role.
Bike It Crews encourage peer-to-peer engagement. It's a fun and engaging way to spread important messages and build skills for life.
They are responsible for promoting walking, cycling or scooting to school, a massive help to school champions and could:
Assist or lead road safety assemblies
Conduct bike/scooter counts or other travel surveys
Give talks on their passion for cycling, scooting or walking
Run competitions like Prize Bag
Help plan future events
Weekly or fortnightly bike & scooter counts
We can use this data to:
take yearly averages
track % of bike and scoot rack capacity used
compare months/seasons
measure the success of an event or competition
Ask your school champion to help set up a Bike It data account that will send the counts straight to us:
Click here and create an account on
NEW USERS - Create New Account
select options on the drop down menus for ‘region’ &‘school’
choose an email e.g.
create password
Schools with an account should now be able to log in and enter data themselves.
Great things to do as a Bike It crew
Hold meetings once a term to discuss plans and ideas
Help the Bike It officer during events and assemblies
Introduce yourself in the school newsletter and website
Create and update a Bike It notice board
Do bike and scooter counts once a week and hand out
Spot prizes to pupils that have:
the cleanest bike
well pumped tyres
correct lights and reflectors
cycled on a very bad weather day
cycled, scooted and walked the furthest
Take photos of journeys to school or Bike It events
(always check for permission)
Promote events and competitions like The Big Pedal
Challenge a neighbouring school for least car use or highest percentage of cycling