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School term

Cycling, scooting and walking

Make the most of the weather with a fun and healthy trip by bike, foot, or scooter.  Be sure to book activities like cycle skills or learn to ride early with your Bike It officer.

Book staff training through Bike It+ and remember to do the bike counts to show off your hard work.

BP result.JPG
BeST Big PedAl Results  ever!
St Thomas More coming in 9th nationally and
1st in East of England
Go Peterborough!
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BIG PEDAL Joe Sproat Performance 2017 at St Augustines Juniors!

The 5 small steps to something BIG guide

To help you, we have produced the 5 small steps to something BIG guide, with activities designed to be delivered over five days.

Ideal for making any week a Walk, Scoot or Bike to School Week, they can be delivered to a wide range of ages by tailoring the level of detail and vocabulary used. 



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know what you



think about our




This Bike It focused website for schools in Peterborough and Cambridgeshire has been running for 4 years.

We have put together the best of our resources and those from the Sustrans main website

We hope this site will allow schools, parents and pupils to go directly to the information they need to make sustainable journeys to school a reality. 


If you have any feedback or suggestions please email either Gail or Eric via the contact page. 

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